Count your Blessings!!

Just the other day two ladies and a young girl pulled in our driveway.   My husband went out to see what they needed.  They asked if they would be able to get some food out of the garden behind our house.  The garden is not ours and my husband told them to go to the neighbors house and they would surely let them have some vegetables.  We know our neighbors well for they are members at our church.  My husband came back into the house and told me the story.  He noted that the little girl said they were hungry.  As I looked out the kitchen window I saw them at the neighbors house and then go into the garden.  I quickly went to my freezer and grabbed a frozen chicken and placed it into a bag.  I went to the garden and gave it to the women.  They were very happy and grateful.  To some a single chicken may not seem like much but when you are hungry it gets you through another day.  It is very sad that we live in a country where so much is wasted yet we have hungry and homeless children and adults.  We can change this if we all just reach out to others.

As reflect on this story of the two ladies and little girl it strikes me that there are so many people going through trying times.  I really count my blessings and thank God for all that He provides me and my family with each day. When you begin to feel you have it bad just stop and look around and I am sure you will not have to look very far to find someone with problems that make yours seem very small.  Count your BLESSINGS!

Thought for the day!  As God blesses me, I am to bless others.

Matthew 10:8   "Freely you have received, freely give."

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