Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ezekiel Bread/Coconut Oil Updates!!

I was very glad to finally locate Ezekiel Bread as well as organic coconut oil.  I purchased both at Trader Joe's.  I have noted in the past the benefits of sprouted grains that are used in making Ezekiel bread but have been unable to locate it in the stores.  Sprouted grain bread contains no flour and is made from sprouted live grains.  The sprouting of the grain is the best way to release the nutrients that are in the whole grains.  Once you try this bread you will not eat anything else it is so good.  Sprouted grain products such as Ezekiel Bread allow you to eat healthy and also have bread.  When you are concerned about your belly fat and weight you usually need to give up breads however switching to sprouted grains allows you a healthy way to have bread within your eating plan.
I also was able to buy organic coconut oil at Trader Joe's.  It is so good and really makes my avocado fudge taste so much better.  It is also the oil I use to cook and bake with.  Coconut oil is the good saturated fat and should be used in your baking and for frying. 
So if you are looking to include sprouted grain and coconut oil into your healthy eating plan give Ezekiel Bread and Trader Joe's Organic Coconut Oil a try.

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